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An asian entrepreneur in an online executive coaching session focused on building leadership skills.

Executive Coach Toronto
Gorett Reis

Are you a leader or an executive looking for executive coaching services in Toronto?
If so, you've come to the right place.

My name is Gorett Reis and I’m an experienced executive coach. I've been coaching for 7 years now as an experienced executive coach Toronto provider and I've worked with managers and executives at different companies including Shopify, Anderson, Gatestone BPO and Intel to name a few. 


Not only do I have experience coaching managers and executives at different companies, I have a Masters in Adult Education and Community Development from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) where I learned a lot about leadership theories and practices and continue to learn about leadership through various books, webinars and resources. 

If you are looking to take your leadership and life to the next level, contact me today to learn more about my executive coaching Toronto services. Let's make this your best year yet.

A woman working on a laptop at a desk offering life coach services in Toronto for personal and professional growth.

What is An Executive Coach and How Does it Work?

An executive coach is a professional who helps organizations and leaders achieve their work-related goals. Executive coaches work with clients to identify their vision, assess and address their current situation, and develop a plan to reach longer-term goals. All of this is achievable with the skill and accountability of a good executive coach. 


Executive coaching services help organizations navigate change positively (such as a merger or acquisition) or help leaders who are struggling with their career.

As an executive coach, we will also focus on leadership skills and maintaining a healthy, sustainable work/life balance.


As an executive coach Toronto provider for the past 7 years, I do all the above. I’ve helped many leaders grow in their career, manage organizational issues and establish better work/life balance. 

Why is There a Growing Demand for Executive Coaches in Toronto?

There are a few reasons for the growing demand of executive coaches in Toronto. First, coaching is no longer seen as a luxury service for senior executives. It's now considered an essential tool for any leader who wants to improve their performance and achieve their goals.


Secondly, with the work and organizational landscape in Toronto becoming increasingly competitive, executive coaches can help leaders hone their skills and stay ahead of the curve. Coaching is a proven way to develop leaders at all levels. A recent study by Harvard Business Review found that 84% of organizations who use executive coaching report improvements in leadership effectiveness. Companies are looking for ways to invest in their current and future leaders, with the intense competition for talent, and executive coaching is one of the most effective ways to do that.

Thirdly, due to the rapid change of technology, organizations are required to adapt and change at a faster pace than ever before. A good executive coach can help leaders navigate this change and any overwhelm that comes with it.   


If you are a company looking for an edge in this competitive market then executive coaching is most likely a fit for you. Contact me today to book your initial consultation call. Looking forward to hearing from you. 

Toronto city skyscrapers in financial district where many business executive leaders work

How Can I Prepare for my Executive Coaching Session?

If you’re  wondering how you can prepare for your executive coaching session. Here are a few tips:

Keep An Open Mind

Be willing to explore new ideas and ways of thinking. Opening yourself to new perspectives can feel vulnerable, but seeing things from a different viewpoint can be tremendously valuable. Keep in mind that I'll ask you questions to better understand your and your company’s struggles so it’s important to trust the process and know that these difficult conversations can lead to great breakthroughs and lasting, positive change. 

Know Your Goals

Be prepared to talk about your goals. Defining your goals is the first step to ensure that both you and your coach are on the same page which is key for achieving long-term success. If you aren’t 100% clear of your goals going into coaching, you can work your vision out during the first few sessions. Once clear, we can create a plan to achieve that vision.

Be Honest

Be honest. In order for executive coaching to be effective, you need to be open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This can be difficult, but it’s essential for making progress. I cannot help you or your organization if I don’t have all the details. 

Confident female executive with cellphone realizing benefits of executive coaching

Why Work with an Executive Coach?

The most notable benefits to working with an executive coach are:


  • Improvement in executive functioning and leadership skills

  • A better organizational culture from applying what you learn 

  • The ability to handle handle stress and difficult situations better

  • Increased productivity levels

  • Better work/life balance

  • More confidence 

These are some of the results I achieve with my leader clients. This said, each executive coach has their own unique set of skills and experience. When you choose to work with me you can expect:


  • A highly personalized service that is tailored to your and your organizations’ specific needs

  • A wealth of knowledge and insight gained from education and years of experience in working with professionals in the corporate world 

  • Non-judgmental support 

  • Results 

Executive Coach
Toronto Reviews 

I’m a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. Having said that, I’m proud to showcase some of my clients’ reviews including clients who sought an executive coach Toronto provider. Click here to view some of my Facebook Reviews, Google reviews, or click here to view my testimonials.


If you’re interested in getting started with me feel free to contact me by scheduling a Get Acquainted Call here. You can also reach me at or check out my LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook profiles for more information. Looking forward to hearing from you!


© 2024 All Rights Reserved. Gorett Reis.

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